Sunday, February 25, 2007

Winged Hearts

Okay, I finally got the design done for the winged hearts swap and my first one done. Did you ever have a situation where you just couldn't get motivated? I mean, I had the design in my mind (although it *did* go through some changes), pieces cut, etc. and just couldn't get my rear in gear to finish it up? I mean -- I like winged hearts enough to wear one forever on my shoulder, but I just couldn't get moving to finish up this swap stuff...Oh well, the rest should be done soon. I just have to finish up cutting some kits for ebay.

See you soon with a fun description of Tart and my trip to the aquarium.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Lucky gals on your heart block swap! Far more into yours than I did on mine. Bad me! hugs from SherriD